Startups’/ Spin-offs’
Mentoring and Facilitation
Building new businesses can be hard and most startups fail. Mentoring and facilitating startup teams is critical to entrepreneurship education but the framework and the approach are often not well-defined, lacking clear understanding of effective practices:
- Teams Formation – As a first step for the effective execution of the project, we provide assistance in finding, forming, storming, norming and performing projects’ dream teams;
- Opportunity Recognition – Support and facilitate the ability to recognize and evaluate opp ortunities;
- Resources Searching – Assistance in searching appropriate technological, human and financial resources;
- Technology Commercialization – Help for go-to-market by providing the necessary network;
- Business Development – Finding clients and developing relationships, product and service development, new market development;
- Finding investors – Using our wide and diverse international network of VCs, angel investors to secure funding. Â